Waveguides for quantum spectroscopy.

ASP joins DigiQ, the largest European Master Network of Quantum Technology

DigiQ is a European Master Program in Quantum Science and Technology, of which ASP is now an official, affiliated partner. For students it offers participation in "DigiQ networks", online courses, internships, hackathons, schools and more. All our students can apply to become part of the DigiQ networks.
Waveguides for quantum spectroscopy.
Illustration: Setzpfandt research group
  • Light

Published: | By: Martin Gärttner & Christian Helgert

In order to meet the emerging need for a quantum-ready workforce in the coming decade, university training efforts within Quantum Technology will not only have to be massively scaled up but also comprehensively reformed. There is an urgent need for a wider understanding of the underpinnings of the quantum revolution as well as an increased awareness for the commercial potential of quantum innovations in the coming generations of quantum physicists.

The DigiQ project will spearhead a transformation of the educational ecosystem by introducing both a series of didactical innovations as well as a multinational program structure ready to be scaled up to the rest of the European Higher Education Area. In a nutshell, DigiQ is a European Master Program in Quantum Science and Technology. Since October 2024, the Abbe School of Photonics and the Abbe Center of Photonics are official partners of the DigiQ consortium.

DigiQ Networks - Opportunities for Master students

For students it offers participation in the DigiQ networks, online courses, internships, hackathons, schools and more.DigiQ Networks offer a unique opportunity to reinforce your studies with hands-on experience in quantum technology, develop a professional network that will last far beyond your study program, and maintain consistent contact with top experts in the field.

Each DigiQ Network has its own theme and curates a set of events unique to it. You may be visiting a quantum computing lab, attending a career symposium, or discussing the mysteries of quantum physics in a pub—anywhere across Europe! Events are fully funded for travel for all DigiQ students.

The student application is closed for 2024, but will open again in 2025.