NOA PhD student Francesco Vitale analyzing the photoluminescence of semiconductur nanowires.


Photonics news and novelties concerning research, education and transfer from the Abbe Center of Photonics' principal scientists and partners.
NOA PhD student Francesco Vitale analyzing the photoluminescence of semiconductur nanowires.
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

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  1. Spectroscopic setup for analysing light interactions such as absorption and reflection.
    Image: Sven Döring/ Leibniz-IPHT
  2. These representatives of young German companies faced the panel’s vote.
    Image: Funkemedien Thüringen | Bernd Jentsch
  3. Artistic visualization: Transformation of light properties by 2D meta-materials.
    Illustration: Christian Süß (Fraunhofer IOF)
  4. Impressions of the EMIMEO Summer School 2024 in Jena.
    Image: Canan Gallitschke
  5. Wafers with photonic circuits, as developed in the innovation centre.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  6. Die Preisträger: Prof. Dr. Jens Limpert (r.) und PD Dr. Jan Rothhardt.
    Image: Mathias Lenski
  7. The "Lichwerkstatt Jena" (en: Light Workshop Jena) is a BMBF-sponsored makerspace with a focus on photonics.
    Image: VDI Technologiezentrum
  8. Participants of the Erasmus Mundus degree program EMIMEP. The program includes numerous practical and technical training contents.
    Image: The University of Limoges
  9. Symbolic image Optical system design
    Collage: Ira Winkler (Jens Meyer)
  10. Junior professor Dr Christian Franke (left) and Dr Andreas Stark with an experimental setup from a previous project. The expertise gained in this will be integrated into "3D-Vens".
    Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
  11. Dr Jacob Schneidewind investigates water splitting with blue light.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  12. PhD student Oksana Smirnova is investigating optical microlenses made from hybrid glasses.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
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