ACP runs a guest professor program which besides its research focus emphasizes involvement of world-class international researchers and scholars as guest professors in the education program of the Abbe School of Photonics. These visitors from all over the world are invited to join the ACP scientists for several weeks in challenging research collaborations and teaching activities in the Master's degree and doctoral programs.
Prof. Gregor Sauer, University of Würzburg.
Image: Private archiveProf. Dr. Gregor SAUER
Julius-Maximilian-Universität Würzburg (Germany)
- Super-resolution microscopy
- Quantification of receptors
- Biophysics of fungi and optogenetics
Prof. Sauer is invited as a Honorary Guest Lecturer financed by the Carl-Zeiss-StiftungExternal link at ACP in summer 2023. website of the Sauer groupExternal link
Image: Aston UniversityProf. Dr. Igor MEGLINSKI
Aston University (United Kingdom)
- Development of new non-invasive imaging/diagnostic techniques
- Dynamic light scattering in heterogeneous media
- Spin and orbital angular momenta in biomedical diagnosis and tissue characterization
Prof. Meglinski is a Honorary Guest Lecturer financed by the Carl-Zeiss-StiftungExternal link at ACP in March 2023. more information
Prof. Dr. Theo LASSER
Image: PrivateProf. Dr. Theo LASSER
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland)
- Coherent imaging including OCT
- Holography and interferometry- fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy including FCS
- Lifetime-imaging and biochip technology
at ACP in May and June 2018 more details
Prof. Dr. Wenshan CAI
Image: PrivateProf. Dr. Wenshan CAI
Georgia Tech, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Atlanta, Georgia (USA)
- Micro- and nanophotonic materials and devices
- Nonlinear optics and ultrafast phenomena
- Optoelectronics and integrated photonics including solar energy harvesting
at ACP in March 2018 more details
Prof. Dr. Giulio CERULLO
Image: PrivateProf. Dr. Giulio CERULLO
Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- Generation and control of ultrashort light pulses
- Dynamics of ultrafast systems
- Applications of ultrashort pulses in microscopy and nanomachining
at ACP in November 2017 more details
Prof. Dr. Laura MARCU
Image: PrivateProf. Dr. Laura MARCU
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Davis (USA)
- Fluorescence lifetime and imaging techniques
- Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
- Clinical and biomedical applications
at ACP in April 2016 more details
Prof. Dr. Igal BRENER
Image: PrivateProf. Dr. Igal BRENER
Sandia National Laboratories and Center for Integrated Nanotechnology, Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA)
- Semiconductor micro- and nanostructures
- Solid-state lighting and III-nitride semiconductors
- Low-index and THz metamaterials
at ACP in April 2016 more details
Image: PrivatePD Dr. Sandro WIMBERGER
Dipartimento di Fisica e Science della Terra, Università di Parma (Italy)
Nonlinear Dymamics and Quantum Chaos
- Classical and quantum dynamical systems
- Transport phenomena
- Dissipative optical lattices
at ACP in February 2015 more details
Prof. Benjamin EGGLETON
Image: PrivateProf. Benjamin EGGLETON
School of Physics, University of Sidney (Australia)
Chip-based nonlinear optics
- All-optical signal processing
- Applied nonlinear optics
- Photonic chips
at ACP in September 2014 more details
Prof. Mikhail N. SHNEIDER
Image: PrivateProf. Mikhail N. SHNEIDER
Princeton University, Princeton (USA)
Theoretical plasma physics and nonlinear optics
- Atmospheric electrical phenomena
- Weakly-ionized plasma processes
- Molecular ensembles in optical lattices
at ACP in May 2014 more details
Prof. Sheng-Lung HUANG
Image: PrivateProf. Sheng-Lung HUANG
Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
Photonic fibers and tomography technology
- Fiber based lasers and amplifiers
- Optical coherence tomography
- Imaging of living cells and tissue
at ACP in May 2014 more details
Prof. Andrew BERGER
Image: PrivateProf. Andrew BERGER
University of Rochester, NY (USA)
Biomedical Optics
- Biomedical optics
- Turbid tissue optics
- Optical spectroscopy
at ACP from November 2013 until July 2014 more details
Prof. Pavel POLYNKIN
Image: PrivateProf. Pavel POLYNKIN
University of Arizona, Tucson (USA)
Laser-Matter Interaction
- Ultrafast and extreme nonlinear optics
- Laser filamentation
- Laser plasmas for atmospheric applications
at ACP in November 2013 more details
Prof. Markus POLLNAU
Image: PrivateProf. Markus POLLNAU
University of Twente, Enschede (The Netherlands)
Integrated Optics
- Integrated optical microsystems
- Fiber, thin film & waveguide optics
- Rare-earth-ion spectroscopy
at ACP from September until November 2013 more details
Prof. Dragomir NESHEV
Image: PrivateProf. Dragomir NESHEV
The Australien National University, Canberra (Australia)
Nonlinear Optical Media
- Experimental photonics and nonlinear optics
- Funtionalized optical metamaterials
- Novel optical materials
at ACP in September and October 2013 more details
Prof. em. George STEGEMAN
Image: PrivateProf. em. George STEGEMAN
University of Central Florida, Orlando (USA)
Nonlinear Optics
- Extreme nonlinear optics and material nonlinearities
- Discrete and acousto optics
- Light scattering, all-optical switching and signal processing
at ACP in September 2013 more details
Prof. David D. SAMPSON
Image: PrivateProf. David D. SAMPSON
University of Western Australia (Australia)
Optical and Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical optics
- Optical coherence tomography
- Optical elastography
at ACP in May and June 2013 more details
Prof. Jeff SQUIER
Image: PrivateProf. Jeff SQUIER
Colorado School of Mines (USA)
Microintegrated Optics
- Multiphoton microscopy & 3D imaging
- Lab-on-a-chip optical systems
- Nonlinear optics
at ACP in May 2013 more details
Prof. Federico CAPASSO
Image: PrivateProf. Federico CAPASSO
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Boston (USA)
Advanced Photonics
- Electrodynamical forces
- Quantum cascade lasers
- Nanophotonics
at ACP in March and May 2013 more details
Prof. Colin SHEPPARD
Image: PrivateProf. Colin SHEPPARD
National University of Singapore (Singepore)
- Pulsed beams
- Scattering and imaging
- Phase contrast microscopy
at ACP in July/August 2011 and November 2012 more details
Image: PrivateProf. Andrei LAVRINENKO
Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby (Denmark)
Photonics engineering & optical metamaterials
- Artificial photonic materials
- Bloch mode analysis in metamaterials
- Engineering of Terahertz devices
at ACP in October 2012 more details
Prof. Nikolaos EFREMIDIS
Image: PrivateProf. Nikolaos EFREMIDIS
University of Crete (Greece)
Mathematical modelling in optics
- Linear and nonlinear wave phenomena
- Dynamics of curved light
- Numerical methods in optics and photonics
at ACP in October 2012 more details
Prof. Martijn DE STERKE
Image: PrivateProf. Martijn DE STERKE
University of Sydney (Australia)
Linear and nonlinear photonic devices
- Nonlinear and discrete optics
- Photonic crystals and microstructured optical fibers
- Semiconductor photonics
at ACP in October 2012 more details
Anne SENTENAC, PhD, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS
Image: PrivateAnne SENTENAC, PhD, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS
Institut Fresnel, Marseille (France)
High Resolution Microscopy
- Optical diffraction tomography
- High axial resolution microscopy
at ACP in August 2011 and August 2012 more details
Prof. Ortwin HESS
Image: PrivateProf. Ortwin HESS
Imperial College London (United Kingdom)
Nano Plasmonics
- Nano-plasmonics with gain
- From light localisation to ultrafast nano-lasers
at ACP in July 2012 more details
Prof. Costantino DE ANGELIS
Image: PrivateProf. Costantino DE ANGELIS
University of Brescia (Italy)
Nonlinear Optics
- Binary plasmonic waveguide arrays/
- Modeling of broadband optical pulse propagation in quadratic media
at ACP in July 2012 more details
Prof. Sergei TRETYAKOV
Image: PrivateProf. Sergei TRETYAKOV
Aalto University (Finland)
Theoretical Electrodynamics
- Split rings and related structures: artificial magnetism
- Wire media: artificial plasma
- Double-negative materials, backward waves, negative refraction, perfect lens
at ACP in June and July 2012 more details
Prof. Aleksei ZHELTIKOV
Image: PrivateProf. Aleksei ZHELTIKOV
Aalto University (Finland) Lomonov State University, Moscow (Russia) & Texas A&M University (USA)
Fiber Optics
- Tailoring ultrashort lightwaves with photonic-crystal fibers
- Nonlinear optics with photonic-crystal fibers
- Laser-induced filamentation
at ACP in January, June and July 2012 more details
Prof. Markus RASCHKE
Image: PrivateProf. Markus RASCHKE
JILA, University of Colorado at Boulder (USA)
Ultrafast Nano-Optics
- Nanoscale optical control with optical antennas
- Strong light-matter interaction: dressed states, single photon and extreme nonlinear optics
- Fundamentals of nearfield optics and sub-wavelength resolution
at ACP in May and June 2012 more details
Image: PrivateProf. Martin RICHARDSON
CREOL, University of Central Florida, Orlando (USA)
Fiber and Ultrafast Lasers
- Development of Tm fiber lasers
- Ultra-fast laser materials processing
at ACP in June 2011 and March and April 2012 more details
Prof. Kathleen RICHARDSON
Image: PrivateProf. Kathleen RICHARDSON
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Clemson University (USA)
Optical glasses
- Synthesis and characterization of novel glass and glass ceramic materials for optical applications
- Structure-property relationships in glasses and ceramic media
- Engineering of infrared glasses for optical applications
at ACP in June 2011 and March 2012 more details
Prof. Matthias SCHNÜRER
Image: PrivateProf. Matthias SCHNÜRER
Max-Born-Institut, Berlin (GERMANY)
Laser Matter Interaction
- Laser acceleration experiments: Experimental techniques & measurement of strong fields
- Strong fields in laser plasmas: Electron kinematics, laser absorption & particle acceleration
at ACP in January 2012 more details
Prof. Philippe GRELU
Image: PrivateProf. Philippe GRELU
University de Bourgogne, Dijon (France)
Solitons, Lasers and Optical Communication
- Mode-locked figer lasers
- Dissipative solitons
- Soliton molecules and light bullets
at ACP in November 2011 more details
Prof. Alexander DREISCHUH
Image: PrivateProf. Alexander DREISCHUH
University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Nonlinear Optics
- Third-order optical nonlinearities and optical solitons
- Optical holographyt+Professor
- Ultrashort laser pulse generation
at ACP from August until November 2011 more details
Prof. Alexey BELYANIN
Image: PrivateProf. Alexey BELYANIN
Texas A&M University (USA)
Optics of semiconductor nanostructures
- Quantum confinement of electrons in nanostructures
- Nonlinear dynamics and mode locking in quantum cascade lasers
- Nanophotonics, graphene and novel nanomaterials
at ACP in June 2011 more details
Prof. Alexander G. RAMM
Image: PrivateProf. Alexander G. RAMM
University of Kansas (USA)
Mathematical physics
- Wave scattering by many small particles
- Creating materials with desired refraction coefficients
at ACP in June 2011 more details