- Light
Published: | By: Sejla Begic and Christian Helgert
Twinning is a prestigious programme of the European Union that, as a part of the Horizon Europe programme, promotes excellence in research utilizing networking and training. The concept revolves around strengthening an institution through experience and expertise exchange with leading research organizations. The Abbe Center of Photonics of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena , the Institute of Physics Belgrade, the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), and the Faculty of Biology of the University of Belgrade, work together as partners in the new project "BioQantSense", which is planned to be realized in the following three years.
The Institute of Physics Belgrade, a National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, was founded in 1961 and is a first-class research institution dedicated to the study of physics and related disciplines. The initiative for its founding came from Aleksandar Milojević, a renowned university professor, based on the need, at the time increasingly evident, to unify all non-nuclear physics research endeavors into a single institution. The National Research Council of Italy (CNR), established in 1923, is one of the most distinguished scientific centres in this country, and one of its roles is to promote cooperation in the fields of science and technology with institutions from abroad. The Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, is equipped with the latest appliances, and laboratory research microscopes, which allow further improvement and development of various biological disciplines for current experts.
One major goal of the project is to design and to build a quantum holographic device and redesign an digital holography setup already existing at IPB. Both will be coupled with a microfluidic lab-on-a-chip device to enable simultaneous observation of micron-sized artificial and biological objects using classical and quantum light. In this way we can compare, complement and amend digital and quantum holography.
"I wish success to all participants in the project, and I strongly believe that this is only the first, important step in long-term cooperation," stated the IPB director, Prof. Aleksandar Bogojević, at the opening of the first project meeting, which was launched in presence of all the partners at the Institute of Physics, in Belgrade on Tuesday, 8 November 2022.
For more information, please contact christian.helgert@uni-jena.de.